Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dream 1.
 I was at this house for a photography project and first this guy asked if he could give me his number, he wrote it on a piece of paper with a bunch of other weird information on it. Anyway like 5 guys asked for my number. I thought it was funny because I had on really ugly shoes. One guy asked for my number and I told him I was married, then he came back with a fake mustache and asked again.
Then I went to some sort of building. There were a bunch of people talking about dress codes for teachers and how they were getting so strict that they were even determining what kind of crochet stitch can be used on their sweaters. Then I went and got dressed to play basketball and I was really awesome at it. So awesome that some random person in the crowd gave me their last 3 pieces of cinnamon gum.

Let me preface by saying my mom is not married in it.
I was walking up my driveway and Shandi was parked there. I looked under her car and saw the body of Tina Turner. I called the police and they said they could have someone to my house on Tuesday. The cop came and for some reason I was worried that I had too many trashbags in my yard? Anyway, I showed him the body and he confirmed it was indeed Tina Turner, but it didn't look like she had been hit so we couldn't figure out how she got there.The cop kept coming back day after day pretty soon I realized it was because he had a crush on my mom. He was Italian and had a whole bunch of kids and they would all come over for dinner. One of his sons was really cute and I was trying to get Jenny Burgett to come meet him, but she wouldn't. Then he told me he was tired of me trying to set him up with people because he could never take me seriously. he couldn't take me seriously because 
I was a terrible dancer, so my blood flows totally different than his. We got into a huge fight and I just started running. I ran downtown and I came across a dance line of some sort of dancing I've never seen before but I was really good at it. That dude was in the audience and told me he'd now trust me with his life.

This dream starts with me in a phone booth calling Julie and telling her about dream 2. Then I had to go back to my hometown and go to the grade school where Ry was having a dance recital. In my dream there used to be a cross in the auditorium and it had to be taken down. The cheerleaders were doing a cheer about how sad they were that it was gone. I was suddenly fighting with the whole auditorium about separation of Church and State and why it's important, and how it actually protects Christians. They just were NOT getting it. One lady kind of did, but then she started talking about the distant future, and when robots find our ruins, etc. Then some girl I don't know was trying to tell me gossip about people I don't know. I went downtown and there was some sort of festival going on. There was an old man who carved my kids out of wood and was trying to get me to buy them for $500. I told him they were great, but I never asked him to do that. He told me they were voodoo dolls and if I didn't buy them very bad things would happen. I was trying to find $500 when I woke up.

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