Saturday, July 28, 2012

This dream would be so very long if I wrote down every detail I remember so I'll just put some of the more clear things that were going on.
I was staying at a friend's house. She lived next to a daycare. There were three little girls there that had actual tortoises they rode. I got a call that my car had been fixed. I walked from Ave. G to 7th and poplar to pick it up in a church parking lot. On the way there I realized my nightgown was see through so I picked up a stranger and carried them in front of me the whole way. I got home and realized my car was missing tail lights and a trunk. What had happened in my dream was that my real estate agent backed into my car, them said he would get it fixed. I was trying to call him to get him to put the trunk and tail lights back on. I kept calling random people I went to high school with instead. There was also a sub plot of a budding teenage romance of my friend's kid and her crush. There was something to do with one of them getting to stay up later and have a middle meal between dinner and breakfast. Then I couldn't get a hold of the real estate agent so I went down to the agency. I was waiting for my meeting and it had a gift shop. There were earrings there that claimed to work with the nerves of your brain to trick them into thinking they were tasting certain flavors. I really liked they grape, but they had tons, even jalapeno. I bought some. I went back to another room and people were doing military training, by climbing up refrigerator magnets that had been glued to the wall. Then I felt bumps on the back of my earrings and I realized they were growing eyeballs. I passed by a table and saw a bunch of discarded earrings that had eye sockets in the back. I ripped mine out. It made the most disgusting noise I've ever heard. Finally they finished my car. They put a bumper sticker for UCLA on it for some reason.

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