Saturday, July 28, 2012

This dream would be so very long if I wrote down every detail I remember so I'll just put some of the more clear things that were going on.
I was staying at a friend's house. She lived next to a daycare. There were three little girls there that had actual tortoises they rode. I got a call that my car had been fixed. I walked from Ave. G to 7th and poplar to pick it up in a church parking lot. On the way there I realized my nightgown was see through so I picked up a stranger and carried them in front of me the whole way. I got home and realized my car was missing tail lights and a trunk. What had happened in my dream was that my real estate agent backed into my car, them said he would get it fixed. I was trying to call him to get him to put the trunk and tail lights back on. I kept calling random people I went to high school with instead. There was also a sub plot of a budding teenage romance of my friend's kid and her crush. There was something to do with one of them getting to stay up later and have a middle meal between dinner and breakfast. Then I couldn't get a hold of the real estate agent so I went down to the agency. I was waiting for my meeting and it had a gift shop. There were earrings there that claimed to work with the nerves of your brain to trick them into thinking they were tasting certain flavors. I really liked they grape, but they had tons, even jalapeno. I bought some. I went back to another room and people were doing military training, by climbing up refrigerator magnets that had been glued to the wall. Then I felt bumps on the back of my earrings and I realized they were growing eyeballs. I passed by a table and saw a bunch of discarded earrings that had eye sockets in the back. I ripped mine out. It made the most disgusting noise I've ever heard. Finally they finished my car. They put a bumper sticker for UCLA on it for some reason.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I went to the library with my family. I was trying to text my friend Lynnette to go to the movies with me, but my phone kept malfunctioning. A little boy came up to me and told me that I lived across the street from him. His mom came and we started talking about our daughters getting braces soon. I walked home and saw something on my roof. I thought it was a duck with a balloon string around it's neck, so I climbed up there to see. When I got up there I realized it was three goats, and one did have a string around it's neck, cutting into it. I got the string undone and then a woman walked by and told me they were Norwegian goats, and she didn't know what they were doing in Kansas. She said that the only way to heal it's wound was to use something sharp and repetitive to open the wound then sew it back up. She want to use a farm discer though. I told her that would kill the goat but she didn't listen. I was trying to get off of the roof before she could run him over, but I went back into the window of the house and I couldn't find my way out.

old campus dream

I never have reoccuring dreams, but there are reoccuring places. All of them are places I've never actually been.
One is a mall
One is an antique store/restaurant
One is a street
One is a furniture store
One is a thrift store
One is a house with a lot more behind a door that I forgot about
One is an old college campus, built in the 60's that got covered by trees. Then after it was found it was turned into apartments and a community center. It has two towers and a court yard with a stream flowing through it. The inside also has a stream flowing through it with and observation deck for the turtles that live there. There is also an old cafeteria. Sometimes it's also turned into a doctor's office/hospital. This is where part of my dream took place.

It started out with me going to a makeup artist to try new lipstick. Then I went to Oklahoma City and forgot to buy dogfood.
Next I went to the old school I just went to look at the water.... but I don't know the order of anything,  I found a backpack I had left the year before and even though my clothes were inside they told me I had to throw them away. I told them I was either keeping them or giving them to Goodwill, but I wouldn't throw them out. I got a ticket for this and had to stay in the tower with the others who had gotten tickets. Then we had to stay in our rooms until someone delivered us an order of when we would appear before the judge. Mine was at 1:30 and I was trying to make it to the cafeteria first. I got lost and ended up in the observation deck with some young kids with those ridiculous sunglasses that are just plastic with a bunch of slits in them. I kept telling them they could observe a whole lot more if they took them off. I was watching the turtles, but some of them started climbing the walls. Some of them were snapping turtles, so I went to find someone who worked there to let them know. I found someone. She said this was a community center. No one and everyone worked there. That if you were in the building you worked there. I was trying to figure out how to fix the problem, but then I realized it was 1:30 the room I showed up in had a bunch of people practicing for a concert. I had to join in as my punishment. We all put on white robes and there was a drill sergeant type instructor telling us to stand hip to hip, but the people beside me kept squeezing me out and I was getting yelled at for it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

This dream started with Tyson and I coming home from a walk. We realized we had an apple tree in our yard, the more we looked the more fruit trees we had. There was a pepper tree (I realize those don't actually exist) but you had to eat the peppers while the were still attached to the tree or they would turn into the pads of dog's feet. There was another tree that grew these little clay jars with Mexican designs. We tried looking them up to see if the contents were edible, but we couldn't find anything. So we found a Cinco De Mayo party to see if anyone there knew. When we went there Amy Setter was there. There was a big closet of things that people could change into. Josh and Lynnette were there too. Tyson started talking to Josh about records and I got bored and went to find Amy. I went outside and there was a giant trampoline. I thought I saw her in the huge crowd of people on it. The actor who plays Baltar was in the mix too. I decided that I needed a necklace and so I went to the closet. Amy told me I couldn't wear it because it would make me far too attractive and that was horrible to do to all of the other women at the party (I promise I don't think this way while awake) Then she told me I shouldn't do it because Tyson would see how much attention I was getting from the guys at the party and get really upset. I told her that he wasn't like that. We ended up getting into a huge fight about it. I was screaming and crying at her that she had no idea. I walked into a different room and there was the stupid Ricky Martin Living La Vida Loca song on. I think my necklace was enchanted or something because suddenly I was an amazing Latin Dancer.
Later I was at my parent's house and they were showing me a video on Youtube and on the side I could see that there was a video of me dancing at the party. They didn't want to watch it though.
Later at my house I was searching for it again. I didn't want anyone to see me doing it though so I was hiding behind some blinds. Just then Brad Frees came to drop off his kids. He had a pony tail. After this the dream gets less sequential, but here are other things that happened.
I went to school to pick up some kids and Orpha called me into the office and yelled at me for being late. I told her I was 30 now, and not in high school but she said something about making excuses. I had also adopted two little girls from China. I think I was at school to pick them up. But their grandpa was visiting and cooking authentic Chinese food in the school lunchroom.
After a lot of searching I finally did find my youtube video after searching Lacey + Cinco De Mayo + Ricky Martin. It was in a room full of other people watching you tube videos.
In my bedroom there was a curtain that just covered part of the wall. The wall had a weird indentation. I realized that there used to be a window unit air conditioner there and they just spackled over it. I went outside to see if it was still sticking out on the other side and there was the back end of a dog. It was still alive but I couldn't find his head or how he ate.
Then I woke up.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

purple cleavage power.

I was at a party at the house of Dan Spees and suddenly I had to make someone a present. There was a Walgreens attached to his house so I went in to get supplies. I went back to his house and started constructing this present. I'm not sure what it was, but I was painting a light purple paisley design on it. Mitchel Hargrave came and had a video camera. He showed me the video and I was in it, but I didn't remember doing anything that the video showed me doing. On the video there was this weird, purple light that came out of my chest and went into Dan's stove. Then I realized that it was a video from my future and that I was somehow going to repair Dan's stove with purple energy. I asked Dan if his stove was broken and he said it was, so I stood in the spot that I did in the video and I waited. I was very anxious and a purple light came out of my chest and fixed his stove. Also, there was either another dream or another part to this dream that all I remember of it was a tomato with a lot of blisters.

Monday, July 16, 2012

lightbulb bug

 I don't remember much of last night's dream other than I had a pet insect of sorts. If two light bulbs made it to the dump unbroken and stayed in the same position for 7 months, metal part to metal part (light bulb mating?) The pair would grow wings and legs and turn into a flying insect. I had one as a pet.