Saturday, July 21, 2012

old campus dream

I never have reoccuring dreams, but there are reoccuring places. All of them are places I've never actually been.
One is a mall
One is an antique store/restaurant
One is a street
One is a furniture store
One is a thrift store
One is a house with a lot more behind a door that I forgot about
One is an old college campus, built in the 60's that got covered by trees. Then after it was found it was turned into apartments and a community center. It has two towers and a court yard with a stream flowing through it. The inside also has a stream flowing through it with and observation deck for the turtles that live there. There is also an old cafeteria. Sometimes it's also turned into a doctor's office/hospital. This is where part of my dream took place.

It started out with me going to a makeup artist to try new lipstick. Then I went to Oklahoma City and forgot to buy dogfood.
Next I went to the old school I just went to look at the water.... but I don't know the order of anything,  I found a backpack I had left the year before and even though my clothes were inside they told me I had to throw them away. I told them I was either keeping them or giving them to Goodwill, but I wouldn't throw them out. I got a ticket for this and had to stay in the tower with the others who had gotten tickets. Then we had to stay in our rooms until someone delivered us an order of when we would appear before the judge. Mine was at 1:30 and I was trying to make it to the cafeteria first. I got lost and ended up in the observation deck with some young kids with those ridiculous sunglasses that are just plastic with a bunch of slits in them. I kept telling them they could observe a whole lot more if they took them off. I was watching the turtles, but some of them started climbing the walls. Some of them were snapping turtles, so I went to find someone who worked there to let them know. I found someone. She said this was a community center. No one and everyone worked there. That if you were in the building you worked there. I was trying to figure out how to fix the problem, but then I realized it was 1:30 the room I showed up in had a bunch of people practicing for a concert. I had to join in as my punishment. We all put on white robes and there was a drill sergeant type instructor telling us to stand hip to hip, but the people beside me kept squeezing me out and I was getting yelled at for it.

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