Tuesday, July 17, 2012

purple cleavage power.

I was at a party at the house of Dan Spees and suddenly I had to make someone a present. There was a Walgreens attached to his house so I went in to get supplies. I went back to his house and started constructing this present. I'm not sure what it was, but I was painting a light purple paisley design on it. Mitchel Hargrave came and had a video camera. He showed me the video and I was in it, but I didn't remember doing anything that the video showed me doing. On the video there was this weird, purple light that came out of my chest and went into Dan's stove. Then I realized that it was a video from my future and that I was somehow going to repair Dan's stove with purple energy. I asked Dan if his stove was broken and he said it was, so I stood in the spot that I did in the video and I waited. I was very anxious and a purple light came out of my chest and fixed his stove. Also, there was either another dream or another part to this dream that all I remember of it was a tomato with a lot of blisters.

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