Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

This dream started with Tyson and I coming home from a walk. We realized we had an apple tree in our yard, the more we looked the more fruit trees we had. There was a pepper tree (I realize those don't actually exist) but you had to eat the peppers while the were still attached to the tree or they would turn into the pads of dog's feet. There was another tree that grew these little clay jars with Mexican designs. We tried looking them up to see if the contents were edible, but we couldn't find anything. So we found a Cinco De Mayo party to see if anyone there knew. When we went there Amy Setter was there. There was a big closet of things that people could change into. Josh and Lynnette were there too. Tyson started talking to Josh about records and I got bored and went to find Amy. I went outside and there was a giant trampoline. I thought I saw her in the huge crowd of people on it. The actor who plays Baltar was in the mix too. I decided that I needed a necklace and so I went to the closet. Amy told me I couldn't wear it because it would make me far too attractive and that was horrible to do to all of the other women at the party (I promise I don't think this way while awake) Then she told me I shouldn't do it because Tyson would see how much attention I was getting from the guys at the party and get really upset. I told her that he wasn't like that. We ended up getting into a huge fight about it. I was screaming and crying at her that she had no idea. I walked into a different room and there was the stupid Ricky Martin Living La Vida Loca song on. I think my necklace was enchanted or something because suddenly I was an amazing Latin Dancer.
Later I was at my parent's house and they were showing me a video on Youtube and on the side I could see that there was a video of me dancing at the party. They didn't want to watch it though.
Later at my house I was searching for it again. I didn't want anyone to see me doing it though so I was hiding behind some blinds. Just then Brad Frees came to drop off his kids. He had a pony tail. After this the dream gets less sequential, but here are other things that happened.
I went to school to pick up some kids and Orpha called me into the office and yelled at me for being late. I told her I was 30 now, and not in high school but she said something about making excuses. I had also adopted two little girls from China. I think I was at school to pick them up. But their grandpa was visiting and cooking authentic Chinese food in the school lunchroom.
After a lot of searching I finally did find my youtube video after searching Lacey + Cinco De Mayo + Ricky Martin. It was in a room full of other people watching you tube videos.
In my bedroom there was a curtain that just covered part of the wall. The wall had a weird indentation. I realized that there used to be a window unit air conditioner there and they just spackled over it. I went outside to see if it was still sticking out on the other side and there was the back end of a dog. It was still alive but I couldn't find his head or how he ate.
Then I woke up.

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