Saturday, March 23, 2013


in my dream I came home and my house was being haunted but I didn't want to leave so like I'd turn off the TV and then the ghost would turn it back on etc. I was dealing with the ghost like I would a toddler who was "testing" me and not being afraid at all. In my dream this had been going on for days and days and finally I said "what do you want?" and the ghost told me he wanted Tyson to clean out the garage because he used to live there and there were too many earthworms out there which he found disgusting!
So I told him I'd have Tyson do it and left to take Soppo to his first obedience class and when I got there there were about 16 really fat dogs watching a video. I told them that I was here for the class and they were like "but that's a male dog" and I said 'so', and looked at the video and realized.... it was a birthing class for dogs

dog food

I was in line at the customer service counter of my grocery store to buy stamps when I noticed a bunch of pregnant women in line with me buying dog food. The guy at the checkout was scanning the dog food and then their bellies.
I then realized he was doing gender scans so I asked how much it was for one and he said it was free with purchase of a large bag of dog food. So I got mine done and he handed me a full color photo of my baby and said it was a girl.
First I had to go somewhere and I was looking at a map. One route lead me through a pack of wolves and one lead me through a pack of wolverines. I was trying to decide which one I would take when my old boss just walked in my front door and starting looking at all of my appliances. He said that I had put an ad on Craigslist to sell them all but I hadn't so he left, but first he asked me if I could watch Hover's baby when she had it. I was like, "who is Hover?" He said it was her new secretary. I asked him if her brother's name was Craft and he said "No, his name is Magical." So then one of my daycare kids came up to have me zip his coat and the pieces wouldn't go together they were like magnetically repelled from each other. I asked him if his coat was always like that and he told me, "Only when Tom Cruise and Randy Quaid are in an argument. Once they're done it will zip again." Then his mom came to pick him up and paid be with a box of lids to butter dishes. I didn't realize that was my payment until after she left so I was trying to text her to tell her I needed actual money but I accidentally using a label maker instead of a phone.


First Tyson and I were grocery shopping and the lady and the deli counter told me that it was policy that I could not have and meat sliced because my shopping list was written in two different colored inks. I complained and asked to see the manager, but let Tyson talk to him while I did other shopping. When I got back Tyson had an entire pig in the cart which had been sliced into lunch meat. Then I went to some sort of old school/warehouse and slept on a bed there. Someone woke me up to show me that they had a my little pony type toy that was actually a hippo but had the face of my friend Nikki. I wanted to show Nikki because it was crazy how much the faces were the same but decided that I shouldn't because I thought she might be offended. So instead I tracked down our old boss at a bar to show him. When I got there though I had just gotten braces and couldn't speak without slobbering all over everything.

broken finger

My ex-husband is having surgery on a broken finger today.
I had a dream that I saw him and asked how his finger was and he said when he got to the surgery center that along with fixing his finger he also got an ice-maker installed. I'm not sure where it was or how it was supposed to work, but in my dream it seemed to be a pretty normal occurrence. Then he handed me his cell phone to talk to someone, I'm not sure who, but he said I'd only get reception if I went to the WalMart portrait studio and sat in the fourth chair in the waiting room. I couldn't get in though because there was some sort of game show being taped in the parking lot that involved old ladies climbing stone buildings while representing their favorite college football team.


I had a dream that you could get tattoos at Sonic done by the carhops.. and their prices were based on how big they were compared to a Sonic food item. Like, a tator tot sized tattoo was 40 bucks, but a foot long coney sized tattoo was 90. If you got a tattoo of the actual food though it was free.


Tyson was cheating on me with a shape shifter who drove a Punky Brewster Van, but Punky Brewster was a blonde daredevil, not the 80's icon.The shapeshifter had an overbearing father who treated my kids like his own grandkids. He was obsessed with repairing carpet because he said the children's feet would get hurt if he didn't. There was a building built in Hutchinson in 1960 that was supposed to be like an early mall with a moat and a lake. It had amazing apartments. that were cylindrical and Alice Newbell lived in one. It had basically been turned into a track for indoor walkers. I was trying to find someone who remembered when it was built, but people only knew when they were about to tear it down. No one remembered it being built. I found out that it had been here all along, just hidden. It wasn't actually modern, it was ancient.