Saturday, March 23, 2013


in my dream I came home and my house was being haunted but I didn't want to leave so like I'd turn off the TV and then the ghost would turn it back on etc. I was dealing with the ghost like I would a toddler who was "testing" me and not being afraid at all. In my dream this had been going on for days and days and finally I said "what do you want?" and the ghost told me he wanted Tyson to clean out the garage because he used to live there and there were too many earthworms out there which he found disgusting!
So I told him I'd have Tyson do it and left to take Soppo to his first obedience class and when I got there there were about 16 really fat dogs watching a video. I told them that I was here for the class and they were like "but that's a male dog" and I said 'so', and looked at the video and realized.... it was a birthing class for dogs

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