Friday, March 22, 2013


Last night I had a dream that I was kidnapped by aliens with another group of people. We had to go through three years of schooling and have no contact with earth during that time. If we agreed to be cloned we could return, but had to have the life they chose for us. I returned to be a clerk at Kmart. I got fired because I couldn't find the right PLU for this ham salad that was on sale for $3.99. Then I got reassigned to tend some chickens that roamed wild between two schools. The kids were playing on super junky equipment though, with no supervision so I'd wonder over and watch them. One girl fell from 60 ft high monkey bars but made it okay. I went in to talk to the school about my concerns. They said they were a private school and if people didn't think it was safe they wouldn't send their kids there. Then they called me a communist. I got an email on a label maker that now I was a dress maker. I made wedding dresses with people's pictures on them.

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